Thursday, February 13, 2014

my real self

I've been so inspired by Carly's My Real Self post on College Prepster since she posted it back in January. It's so easy to get sucked into a world where people can edit their pictures and make everything seem amazing, and then expect that from yourself too. I once read a quote that went something like, "Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel". And it's so true when you really start to think about it! I definitely get caught up in comparisons, especially when it comes to comparing my own insecurities to all the awesome things people post on social media sites. I think it's important to take a step back and remind ourselves that everyone has their own insecurities and we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to anyone. It's something I fall victim to far too often, and it's something I want to work on this year. 
So this is my real self.
my real self is...
-hair that will never ever do what I want, unless of course someone else does it for me
-an upper lip that curls under when I smile, and bothers me to no end
-puffy eyes and slightly red skin, thanks to the awful weather
-someone who stresses over the littlest things and makes them much bigger than they should be
-someone who is very extroverted, but completely introverted at the same time
-someone who gets nervous about liking the things I like, for fear that I'll be made fun of
-a twenty something girl, who has anxieties and issues, just like everyone else does

I think it's important to remember that everything we see on social media isn't always real, and that we can't compare our innermost feelings to those postings. I'm making it my goal to be better about it this year, and I hope you do to!


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