Continuing on in my love of home inspiration on pinterest, I'm delving into kitchen love today. In my future home, I would LOVE to have an amazing and big kitchen. I love to bake and cook, and like to spread out to do so. Currently when I bake in my apartment kitchen (aka a cramped little square), I use the minimal counter space I have and usually have to put my mixer on my desk to use. Ugh. I think I'll just stare at all of these and dreams of perfect kitchens.
Maybe I'll be on an HGTV show one day and let them build me a perfect kitchen ;)
Today officially starts my finals week of eight different tests. Remind me again why I wanted to do an accelerated nursing program? ;) So I don't know about you guys, but I could use a break, a whole lot of coffee, and some serious motivational quotes. Maybe just something pretty to look at and read that doesn't have to do with a body system.
I hope you all have great and motivational days! (And remember to celebrate every tiny victory! Maybe with champagne ;))
Hope you enjoy my pun in the title there ;) I remember going outside to take these pictures and just being so happy that I didn't even need a coat and I was freezing and rushing to get done! I know I've said it a million times now, but YAY for warmer weather! I'm definitely celebrating by wearing bright colors all the time, and wearing as few layers as possible. (Side note, my dad told me I looked like a spy when I came out in this, which everyone who owns a trench coat wants to hear at least once, am I right?!)
one: The Broadway show Newsies is currently doing a Us tour, and the cast got together to do some covers on Disney's youtube. And this cover of Shut Up and Dance is pretty amazing. I'd go see the show purely to see that boy sing!
three: I may not be a huge Pandora jewelry fan, but dang this commercial is a tearjearker and completely warmed my heart. SO sweet, and fabulous marketing on their part. (Very similar to Dove campaigns, in my opinion)
four: What guys think girls do vs what they actually do. Yup. Who came up will the pillowfight myth?
I feel like I've said this a million and one times by now, but blogging has me to meet so many great people and discover great new companies and products! I found Leah from Candle Box Company through a friend in my nursing clinicals, and I'm so glad, because her candles smell AMAZING. (I got Caramelized Praline, and it smells like something delicious is baking every time I light it! I think I would want to try Juniper Breeze next!)
All the candles are soy wax, and they each come in a little box, with a message on the outside. Leah has 23 pre-made labels listed on the website for common occasions (how cute would this be to give to your bridesmaids?) but you can also contact her for a personalized message! (PS she's also starting to do party favors too. One stop shop!) Definitely check out her website and snag yourself a candle, you won't regret it!
Every time a new season comes around, it becomes my favorite season. So right now, I am just loving spring. Sunshine most days, much warmer weather, and I even like the rainy days! Probably just because it's rain and not snow. Along with this nice weather, basically means a whole new wardrobe, and mixing winter pieces with warmer weather ones. Such as my favorite cashmere sweater!
sweater: Charter Club (similar) // skirt: TjMaxx (similar) // heels: Target (similar) // earrings: Perry Street c/o Rocksbox (use the code kyliemavrakisxoxo to get your first month free!)
It's safe to say that I love a good notepad. I'm constantly making lists upon lists, so I have love having lots to options to choose from! (Anyone else love crossing something off a list? Such accomplishment!) Here are some of my favorite, since cute and fun notepads are an absolute necessity.
Do you guys ever put on an outfit and think "oh my goodness, I'm turning into my mom"? My mom is pretty much the queen of rocking black and white, so every time I rock black with white (especially with a cropped pant), I always feel like my mom. But since she's the queen of rocking this classic look, I guess that's not so bad ;)
one: Apparently I need to start watching James Corden on the Late Late Show! This video of him and Jennifer Hudson doing car karaoke is pretty darn hilarious.
two: After surviving a respiratory infection that no one thought he would survive, this cat has become a nurse at this animal shelter and helps other animals through their own surgeries. Get ready to die of cuteness.
three: When real dogs meet a fake dog. I cracked up the whole time!
four: These parents managed to keep a big secret about their pregnancy the whole time. And then made a video of everyone's reactions when they found out. I definitely teared up multiple times :')
five: And to finish it off, I just have to share another video from James Corden on the Late Late Show. Tom Hanks was a guest, and they proceeded to do every Tom Hanks movie in seven minutes. It's pretty awesome.
I think I've mentioned this before in my room tour, but since my accelerated nursing program is only a year long (since I already have one bachelor's degree), I thought it would just be easier to live in an on campus apartment. And convenience wise, it really has been great! (Greatly dislike my loud neighbors and those weird noises in my ceiling, but I deal.) I have to say though, I'm ready for a place that has all my own touch and where I really get to pick everything. And one of those things is my desk/office. I like to spread out when I work, so I cannot wait to get one of those huge desks and take up all the room I want :) Since I won't have this for a while, I do what anyone would do. I stalk pinterest for future ideas ;)
Wouldn't it be amazing to have your own office/library? DREAM ROOM!
All images via pinterest.
Anyone else as obsessed as I am with having an office (slash personal library)?