Tuesday, March 24, 2015

a quote day

SO, had a whoopsie kind of moment. I had a quiz and two tests yesterday and was gone from about 7 in the morning to about 7 at night. And when I got home, all I wanted to do was eat, shower and sleep. I happened to remember after laying in my bed for a little (and seeing a blogger's snapchat about their tomorrow post) that I completely forgot to write my post for today. WHOOPS. #badblogger. So instead of throwing together a haphazard version of the post I originally had planned for today, I thought we would do another quote day. We can always use more inspirational quotes in out lives, am I right?

I hope you all have wonderful and fabulous days!


  1. Oh my goodness I know how this is! Life gets so hectic sometimes! Hope your tests went well!! Happy Tuesday!

    Sugar & Something

  2. I HATE moments like that- where you suddenly remember a to-do you completely forgot. But you adapted well- and the good-ass vibes quote is my fave. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  3. I'll never say no to some good quotes :)

  4. Where were your ideaologie quotes - Big Words for Big Thinkers?

  5. Hehe, love this and totally doesn't feel last minute rather it feels completely inspirational:)

    xx Cara

  6. (((: These quotes are so fun, Kylie (:

    - Deniz


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