Friday, January 30, 2015

weekly roundup

one: So before finding this little article, I never really thought that other people would identify themselves as an outgoing introvert, something I do all the time. (Probably just because of the exact nature of the outgoing introvert. You never know what's going on in someone's head!) But this 10 Things You Need to Know Before Dating the Outgoing Introvert is perfect and completely spot on! (2 and 6 especially!)

two: If you haven't heard yet, Emma Watson has been cast as Belle in a new live action version of Beauty and the Beast! (I thought this had happened ages ago, but I guess it's official now.) I think she's going to be fabulous in the part, and someone even put together a list of 9 reasons why she's meant to be a princess. I completely agree with them, and now officially want to be best friends with her!

three: I'm not sure why they decided to do a Fantastic Four remake, but this trailer actually looks pretty awesome. Plus, it has Miles Teller (from Footloose!) and Michael B Jordan (from Friday Night Lights!). Reason enough to see it!

four: We should end with something super cute and adorable. So how about babies reacting to going through tunnels? SO. SO. SO. CUTE.

Have a great weekend, and eat a lot on Superbowl Sunday! ;)


  1. I'm so interested to see Emma Watson as Belle! I'm hoping it's good!

  2. yes Im so glad and excited for Emma as Belle, cant wait! <3

  3. Love the piece about the outgoing introvert! It explained to much!

    Agree on the Fantastic Four - why do another?

    The babies in tunnels - priceless! It almost made me feel bad we didn't video you going through tunnels! Oh well . . . !


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