Friday, June 19, 2015

weekly roundup

One of the reasons I like doing these weekly roundups is because I think everyone needs a dose of happy and funny and heartwarming regularly, because it's so easy to get sad and stressed and worried. Especially when terrible things like what is going on in Charleston right now happen. So while we #prayforCharleston and for every other terrible thing that happens, here are some things that I hope can make you smile and lift your heart a little like they did for me. (And just remember...have courage and be kind <3)

one: A judge adopted a rescued blind pug, and it's one of the sweetest things ever. Plus, it shows just how incredibly smart dogs can be.

two: Goat babies in pajamas. Do I really even need a reason for this?

three: If Disney princesses were minions. Just warning you, you will probably bust out laughing.

four: Employees who know how to make work just a little less boring. I wouldn't mind working with them!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. minions are hilarious I most say :)

    the way to my Hart

  2. Did you see the minions trailer before jurassic park? I about died...I need to see despicable me! (Oh, btw, I love weekly roundups too! It's a great way to see into someone's personality...and find new timewasters :) )
    Meg of An Affair of Character


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