Friday, May 8, 2015

weekly roundup

one: Still convinced that Anna Kendrick teaming up with Kate Spade is the best. This video is total evidence.

two: 8 things dancers miss when they stop dancing. I know some other bloggers are past dancers (looking at you Darcy and Shannon!), so I know some of you guys can relate! I most definitely miss all these things about dancing.

three: Twin videos are always adorable, and this is no different! Twins mimicking their dad's sneeze is too good not to share.

four: Oh my goodness. Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer who played Big Bird, was answering questions on Reddit recently to promote his new documentary, and answered a question about his most meaningful interaction. Cue the tears.

Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment :

  1. I love Anna Kendrick, she's so funny. That Kate Spade video was cute. Have a wonderful weekend!

    prosecco in the park


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